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kyduckndeer 04-06-2009 05:54 PM

Fun at the Cave
Hey guys had a great time while you guys were at Cave Run. Wished the fish cooperated more but the evenings sure made up for it. Hope some of you can make it back as see the Cave rock this fall. Take care and see you soon.

Hope you guys ate well anyhow.:D


theseeker 04-06-2009 09:42 PM

i don't know what is better in kentucky the fishing or the mountain spring water. had a blast thanks for everything. take care see you guys soon. marc (theseeker)

kyduckndeer 04-07-2009 07:10 PM


I know its a year away but we should plan dinner for next year. Even when the fishing is not great we still have a heck of a time at night.

BTW, did you look at the results--- if you guys had landed that fish you could have placed in the top 6 with big fish of the day on Sunday (that would have been a nice check). The one that shook off for me would have done the same.

If a frog had wings ....we you know. Fishing is fishing. I truly enjoyed the weekend and hope you guys can get back down this fall.

C.C. 04-07-2009 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by theseeker (Post 16)
i don't know what is better in kentucky the fishing or the mountain spring water. had a blast thanks for everything. take care see you guys soon. marc (theseeker)

Hey Marc, Greg said to tell you hi and he misses you!!;) I had a BLAST!!! You guys are so much fun! Can't wait till this fall!

Kozz 04-07-2009 09:25 PM

Hay Tad, Got your measage. Your father did win. 82.50.
I will send 100. Thanks for everything. Going to set up a fishing report page. Posts will be set up for different states. Looking foward to your the good reports from the Cave.
Talk, and see ya soon. Set the hook,
Jeff (Kozz)

theseeker 04-08-2009 09:39 AM

c.c. i did not spend all that time getting to know greg, so you could move in and take him away. becareful he doesn't just get emotional, he squirts. ask your boy mike. he does a great impersonation. take care guys see you later.

C.C. 04-08-2009 08:05 PM

Thanks for giving permission!! Mike does do a great impression. The fishing still sucks. Mike's client caught a shorty and another guide boat moved 1 fish. The Corp is still pulling the Lake hard. Will keep ya'll informed as we go.

Kozz let us know when you get the baits. Hope you like them. They are not professionally done, but have a nice Kentucky touch. Dad just enjoys making them. There is nothing like catching a fish on a bait you make yourself.

Kozz 04-09-2009 08:07 AM

You know it. Cant waight to get out and try them. I will be out on the 18th for a guide trip. The Mafia tourney is on the 19th. Wont be getting out this Easter weekend. Thanks for the post. I will be setting up some fishing report forums, listing the Cave as one. Want to try to get some people down there to experience the good fishing on the Cave. Work in progress. I know the fishing is ready to get good there in the next few weeks. The big girls should be moving soon. Keep me posted, and talk soon.
The Kozz

kyduckndeer 04-09-2009 06:17 PM


Sorry I missed your call last night. Your package was sent out this morning. Look for it in the next few days and let me know when you get it. We want to see some pictures.

Mike Tackett 04-10-2009 07:43 AM

Muskie Mafia Gang
Hey Kozz, Sorry it took me so long to log in! Pmtt weekend was a blast and everybody here @ the shop loved you guys being here. Just keep watch on our fishing reports, the CAVE is getting ready to get HOT!!!!!!!!! Look forward to you guys getting down in the fall. Thanks from Mike and all the gang @ TNT MUSKY GUIDES and Outfitters and CAVE RUN PRO SHOP.

Kozz 04-10-2009 08:09 AM

Cave Run Pro Shop
Thank you and all the gang for all of your hosptality. What a great time. I will be looking foward to a fall trip down there to see yall. For all that may have time to get down to the Cave. The fish should be moving. See the gang at TNT Pro Guide Service. They will putt you on the fish.
Thanks again Mike, and I will talk to you soon.
The Kozz

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