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Kozz 04-19-2009 07:53 PM

Mafia Tournemant results
What a great tern out. Not the best weather, but a lot of good anglers came out. Would like to thank Berts Baits and all of the sponsors for putting on a great show.
Pics on the gallery board coming soon.

Hammer 04-20-2009 01:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Heidecke Results Great Turnout! Thanks to everyone who showed Thanks to our sponsors everyone went home with something besides a cold.IMTT GreyBeards BertsBait-Firearms Prarie State Outdoors Kams Fishing lures maker of Muskie Mafia Baits ,MuskyLink, Jeff Bohdan Taxidermy,IDNR, Simms, Radke Baits MuddyWaterTackleCO., Good Scents Lures,Boomba, Island city woodcarver Wilmington. Smitty Baits, MuskiesFirst, OutdoorNotebook.Lakewood, Ducktail Lures,Illinois Outdoor News, Torino Hunt Club,MuskyLink,South Wilmington Sportsmensclub Suick,Muskie 411 .com.Goose Lake Prarie Partners. Hats off to all our sponsors. Can I get input for round 2 guys and gals?

C.C. 04-20-2009 08:43 PM

Looks like a big crowd. Any fish caught? The fish are spawning on The Cave! We have our local Muskies Inc. Chapter 52 tourney Saturday. Just a fun tourney, not a big money tourney. Here is the info....

Daniel Boone Chapter # 52, Muskies, Inc.

Spring 2009 Cave Run Lake Outing

Registration at Johnson Bros. Boat Storage Clay Lick

Sat. April 25, 7:00am to 4:00 pm

Members: $20.00 per member – non members $35.00
cook out included
Juniors (under 18) no charge

Saturday cook-out and awards at Johnson Bros. Clay Lick Boat Storage Pavilion
Prizes: using Muskie Inc. point system
( 4 pts. for 30” fish and larger, and 1 pt. for each inch above 30”)

Overall 1st place = $50.00 gift certificate
2nd place = $30.00 gift certificate
3rd place = $20.00 gift certificate
Plaques for: Men’s---Women’s---Junior’s Divisions

BIG FISH POT = $5.00

Raffle to follow after cook out

Call or email: Chipper Bushong phone: 606-784-4015 email:
Scott Smalley phone: 606-584-0046 email:
Mike Tackett 606-780-0075 email:

husker 04-21-2009 09:21 PM

It was another great tournament. Thanks to Bert's and Muskie Mafia and all the other sponsors that donated prizes. Just wish the skis would have been a little more cooperative. That cold front could have waited one more day.

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