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kyduckndeer 06-01-2009 03:38 PM

Cave Run Report
First, how is the fishing for you guys? Kozz and Jerome seem to at least be able to find a few by the pictures. Keep 'em coming.

Well we fished the Cave hard this weekend. The Core was still pulling water like they expected the next 100 year flood. However, that stopped yesterday and the fish became more active today. Justin and I hit the water today with limited time to fish. By 10 a.m. we had moved 11 fish, lost one at the boat (3 footer) and landed this nice fat 39 incher. I tried to make it forty but you know how that goes:rolleyes:. Finally got one in the boat. I have not had much time but sure does feel good to get that monkey off your back.

Kozz I am getting them primed up for this fall. Bring some of the gang with you and lets boat some fish.

theseeker 06-03-2009 11:12 AM

nice fish tad, should have those calls for you guys soon. been real busy at work. putting in close to 70 hrs. a week. take care and stay in touch. tell the boys i said hi.

Kozz 06-09-2009 12:17 PM

The Cave
Nice fish Tad. We will be going up to Eagle River in a few weeks. Hope to get one up there. Sounds like the fish are ready to eat down there. Save some for the fall.

Mike Tackett 08-01-2009 09:44 PM

Long time gone
Hey Kozzmo, sorry it takes me so long to reply to stuff! Just keeping the shop up to par; getting new stuff; hey, let me know how to get your guys new stuff! The oldest boy has been the center of attention; he is fourth place in juniors divison, musky inc. international, and first place chapter 52 junior division. Not bad for a boy that plays 3 sports and fishes in the time he has left!!!!!! Call me, 606-316-0067 Thanks, Mike

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